

AusCoaching provides clients access to an Aboriginal Coach, Counsellor, Trainer and Facilitator.

To you and your organisation AusCoaching provides culturally appropriate coaching, counselling, training and facilitation to support your develop needs, plans and dreams.

AusCoaching works with individuals and groups to facilitate:

  • Leadership development
  • Communication
  • Discovering their passion
  • Change management
  • Overcoming limiting self-beliefs
  • Conflict management

The Director

 Julie is a professional coach who is committed to supporting her clients to achieve their utmost potential, whether it’s in their personal or professional lives. Julie is the founder and director of AusCoaching and provides coaching in a variety of dimensions.

Julie’s focus is on enabling others to be the best they can or want to be within their preferred life/business future picture.

Julie backs AusCoaching with 20 years in the public sector in the areas of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander related education and employment, corporate and people management areas. Julie also holds a Bachelor of Management from the University of Canberra, Australia, and over 20 years experience in the faith community as a laity volunteer working with and for women and young people.

Julie is unconditionally committed to excellence and achieving results, whilst working with clients through individual coaching, and leadership. Julie’s commitment is to providing first class service to AusCoaching clients by assisting them to identify ways to grow by being further effective, efficient and passionate. Julie understands the crucial role that coaching plays in developing and reinforcing high performance strategies to maximise results.

Julie calls her country the Bundjalung Nation of NSW Australia. She fondly describes it as a slice of heaven between the ocean where the green meets the blue. For her Mt Warning symbolises the strength of earth reaching to the fluid expanse of the sky and reaching out along the ground to the power and strength of the Pacific Ocean.